Sing Time Karaoke is now accepting LIMITED orders for the KM-1 Automated Karaoke system. Orders will be accepted on a first come first served basis. The KM-1 is ONLY leased to commercial venue owners.

After our monthly order limit is met, all additional order requests will go into the "wait list" for the following month. Those on the waitlist will be FIRST to get accepted into the second round of ordering.

The KM-1 is a monthly leased product with two different Tier packages. You can receive an additional 20% discount off your first month with an Affiliate Code!

4 Month Lease Minimum • Last month deposit required
State and Local Taxes Apply
*Karafun Professional Music Library Subscription Required. Additional $49/Month

Please fill out the KM-1 order request form below. You will be notified whether you have been accepted in the current order window, or if you are on the waitlist for the next month.

Once your order has been accepted, you will be sent our “Pre-Installation Questionnaire.” This is to determine your venue's installation readiness. Once you’ve been determined “Installation Ready”, we will be in contact to complete your order.

Orders are shipped within 3 weeks of the signed lease agreement.